
Mr Michael Kwan,the founder of PinoGreen,used to be an environmentalist and simple life advocate, believe that human being should only be the subsidiary part of the nature,not the master,uphold the philosophy of least's the best and zero waste in daily life, engage in the pineapple and bast fibre in dustries over two decades, from plantation, processing to end product development, successfully achieve the close loop utilization ofthe pineapple plant, actualize his lifelong aspiration: Pino heals the world

Why pineapple vegan leather?
Because of its juicy fruit ?
Here in our PinoGreen, we have more than that
Pineapple can grow in most tropical and sub-tropical, plain or hilly
landform which is a well-adaptive fruit without too much area limitation.
Its a perennial plant which can consecutive produce many seasons of
fruits without laborious yearly plantation.
Its plant is very short which can withstand and survive the seasonal
Its a strong plant which need very little water, fertilizer and pesticide
Pineapple plant grow many leaves throughout its lifecycle which can fix a
lot of co2, here in our PinoGreen, we process about 20,000kgs of fresh
leaves everyday, a huge amount of carbon is fixed during this process
1 Growing Substainable

The pineapple leaves debris left behind after the fibre extraction is enriched in cellulose and glucose which is ideal fodder for cattle and
sheep otherwise have to consume a lot of grains
The plant roots is an ideal raw material to extract bromelain for digestion and other medical application
The fibre, fodder and the bromelian can bring extra income which almost equivalent with the fruit selling income for the farmers
Thus we make fully use of the traditional agro waste to the present high
value added product, not only increase the farmer’s income but also
make the complete recycle and zero waste possible
2 Versatile Leaf & Root

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3 Low carbon emission
As our pineapple farms is near the coastal
area, all fiber extraction power supply is
from our local wind power generation station,
fully make use of the natural power resource

4 Cosy and Functional
As it’s plant, especially leaf based
material, the pineapple leather is
much lighter, breathable, moisture
absorption, anti-bacterial than the
animal and synthetic leather

As all our products is plant based
from the pineapple leaves, its easily degradable in nature after use in a short time
5 Biodegradable
6 Humane and Cruelty Free
The pineapple vegan leather is a perfect alternative to substitute the cattle , sheep and other animal leather, every year we produce about 10,0000 yards of vegan leather,that means more than 15,0000 lovely animals has been saved from been skinned,
Moreover the manufacturing process of vegan leather is much more eco-friendly than the animal leather because of the plant cellulose is much more simple than the animal protein in composition
In fact, strictly eco friendly should satisfy the following 4 conditions;
Raw material origin : should be natural, regenerate, easy to get
Manufacturing process : zero or low negative impact and harmful chemical emission to the environment
Product functional : the relevant product should give the customer cosy and durable experience
Biodegradable: the product should be easily degradable in a short time after its use
Pineapple vegan leather fully satisfy the above 4 conditions which is perfect substitute to the animal and synthetic leather, it perfectly accomplish the eco equilibrium: From nature and back to nature

So why choose the pineapple vegan leather ?
Save the lovely animals
Save the water, soil, air and our planet
After all
Save Ourselves